Member area overview
The Members area of Quit to Start is a private, non-public area where Members can participate in the Member (Community) Forum, receive and access personal coaching documents (i.e. Startup Assessment, Startup Blueprint) and view premium content such as member-only Webinars and Courses.
Regarding the Member Forum, we recognize the importance of extra privacy for some members. There are several levels of privacy members can choose from in setting up their Member profile.
You can choose to use your full real name or real first name without last name (default at signup) or enter a fictitious first name or nickname. Your profile picture can also either be your real picture or a fictitious profile picture. See 'My Account / Profile' in the Member Tutorial for more.
Members can choose to maximize privacy by making profile 'Private' which makes their member profile (Profile Name, Profile Picture, About Me) non-visible to other Forum members but also prevents them from participating in the Member Forum i.e. posting questions, comments. See 'Browse Only / Private' mode in the Member Tutorial for more.
member home
This is the Member Home landing page. This is where you can navigate to the Files Area, Member Forum, and your personal Profile & Settings. Remember that you can always return to this page, once you're signed in, by clicking the 'Members' link at the top of any page.

member / community forum
This is the community Member Forum where you can browse, post, ask questions, and comment on any topic. Other members and registered Experts* respond and comment - we monitor the comments and questions and weigh in ourselves or ask one of our registered Experts* to respond. Members that wish to be private can utilize a fictitious or first name only. Or, for maximum privacy, members can make themselves completely private which allows for browsing/reading only but unable to follow, comment or ask questions.

* Note: Designated Experts in the Member Forum are volunteers and are not participating in an official, professional capacity. Posts by designated or non-designated Experts, legal or accounting professionals, or any others should not be relied upon or treated as a substitute for your own research, independent decision-making, or professional advice for your specific situation. Please read more in our Members Terms of Use.